The Citizens on Patrol Program in Portage la Prairie (COPP) presented their June 9th barbecue profits to the Junkyard Dogs last night (Thursday). Member Rose says Blair Geisel was there to receive the cheque from the organization and was waiting with bated breath to learn the amount.

She shares what it's like to be able to provide $1,544.00 for the group.

"It's fantastic, absolutely fantastic," says Rose. "The good thing is that our donation is going to be matched by Yuells, so that's just fantastic. It will be great for the park build fund."

The Junkyard Dogs Cycling Club are working on a project for a bike park for all skill levels at the old dump hill and a wheelchair-accessible nature trail to the south of the dump.

Rose explains why COPP chose to help with this project.

"Some of our members were very aware of the park build," notes Rose. "The fundraising that was going on was brought up at one of our meetings. We all decided that's the place to put it this year, and there's youth involved. We're always very concerned about youth being involved."

She adds they thank École Arthur Meighen School students who again supported this year's effort.

Junkyard Dogs Cycling Club president Blair Geisel says the donation is another example of the response in the community that has been so amazing. 

"From COPP and other organizations, it's just a good measure of the kind of support that we're getting in the community and it'll be put to good use," explains Geisel. 

He says they probably have close to the amount that they need to build the trail infrastructure.

"We're probably about $300,000 to $400,000 short to put the washrooms and the picnic facility in," continues Geisel. "So, we're moving along quite well."

Geisel reminds everyone that the Yuell family has raised the challenge for everyone to make a donation that they will match up to $100,000 in total. 

"We've probably collected about $60,000 from the community," adds Geisel. "We're going to start a campaign. We're going to call it Make the Yuells Pay, so we can collect that last $40,000." 

He thanks the community for all the support, both moral and also financial. 

"It's been really good and I think this is going to be a really good asset for the community," says Geisel. 

Rose reminds everyone to not forget to register for their COPP/RCMP golf tournament on September 1st.