Students at École Arthur Meighen participated in the Central Plains Cancer Services (CPCS) 24-Hour Relay this afternoon with Dance Away Cancer. Alison Kerchak, the administrative assistant at the school, talks about what went on.

"We had a Dance Away Cancer event at Ecole Arthur Meighen. All funds raised are going to Kids Fighting Cancer, which is a division of our own Central Plains Cancer Services. That means that the money is staying in our city."

Sharilyn Knox, executive director of CPCS, says she's very happy to see schools in the area getting involved in their fundraising.

"We love it. This is our second year for our 24-Hour Relay, and this is how we got schools involved. We gave them the option to do whatever they wanted with movement for an hour, and lots of schools are doing different things."

The dance was supposed to start at 2:15 with the grade 1 to grade 3 students and the grade 4 to 8 students would go later, but the shutdown of buses led to the school having everyone go for the hour.

Principal Tracy Vanstone estimates the school brought in over $1,300 for Central Plains Cancer Services with donations still coming in.