Last week, the province announced that all non-critical businesses must close by April 14, a decision that left many churches and staff wondering if they can still stream services with a small team, continue to take in food and monetary donations, or to get creative with things like drive-in prayer and worship gatherings.

Minister of Health, Seniors and Active Living Cameron Friesen wants to remind Manitobans that they should be staying home as much as possible, washing their hands often, and maintaining good physical distancing practices. That said, he points out that the same restrictions on public gatherings, including worship gatherings, remain in place as before.

"We're advising people that gatherings be limited to people of 10 or less. So that means church is out, but that doesn't mean that the Church cannot gather, it can gather virtually," he says. "Provided that, in the church, those who are organizing and facilitating the service are numbered 10 or less and are observing social distancing requirements." 

Friesen adds that he and his family have been enjoying watching church online together.

When it comes to drive-in prayer or worship gatherings, he says as long as people are being safe, which means they cannot leave their vehicles or even roll down their windows, then yes, gathering via vehicle is okay.

As for donations be it monetary or food, Friesen says churches are welcome to open but should be taking proper precautions such as washing hands often and setting up a curbside drop off.