The Portage Animal Welfare Society wants you to think about how you clear off your driveways as we winter officially gets closer.

Dog coordinator Kalie Miles says if dogs are going for a walk, keep their paws in mind.

"Definitely, use the proper ice melts for your pets," says Miles. "We don't want any burnt paws at all, and make sure you're not leaving your dogs out too long in the cold."'

She says the pads on a dog's paw can crack, bleed, and then get infected. You can always get a de-icer that is designed to be safe for pets.

Ryder and Pupu going for a walk. They're hoping you'll use a pet-safe de-icer today!Ryder and Pupu going for a walk. They're hoping you'll use a pet-safe ice melt today!

Miles adds your car can feel like a freezer when the temperature drops and she hopes you won't leave your animals in your vehicle. At home, make sure your pup has a warm shelter to stay in if they need to be outside for an extended period of time.

"It really depends on your dog's coat," notes Miles. "So, some of the more fluffier dogs can withstand a bit longer, but they should still have shelter, no matter what."