With winter just around the corner, United Way Central Plains needs your help to keep kids warm.

Koats for Kids is a program to ensure that kids who normally wouldn’t have the proper winter attire are able to enjoy the outdoors. With one week left for collections, the race is on to make sure every kid will be bundled up.

With the Farmers Almanac expecting a snow-heavy season, any additional donations would help the success of this year’s Koats for Kids drive.

Dawn Froese, executive director for Big Brothers Big Sisters (BBBS) Central Plains, says they’ve been collecting clothes all throughout October, with the final deadline for clothes being October 31st.

“We collect gently used winter clothing for children, both younger and teen,” explains Froese. “We're looking for gently used or new coats, mitts, ski pants, boots, toques, scarves, anything that you would wear to be outside during the winter.”

She adds they don’t want kids to miss out on any activities or schooling due to the lack of proper winter attire. Froese mentions, while United Way Central Plains puts on the event, the community is what ensures its success every year.

“The community donates coats,” says Froese. “Visions of Independence picks them up for us, the Manitoba Developmental Centre cleans them, and Youth For Christ gives a place to distribute them.”

The executive director says she’s amazed at the support that Portagers have given the program throughout the past 15-16 years. She mentions that she loves hearing the stories of kids being ecstatic about their new coats or pair of mittens.

For those looking to donate, you can drop off your items at the BBBS building, the Family Resource Centre, Stride Place, Pharmasave, the Portage Regional Library, or the Portage Friendship Centre.

Distribution dates will be held on November 9th and 10th from 1 p.m. to 5:30, then on November 12th from 1 p.m. to 4 at Youth for Christ. They ask that you enter through the back alley door and bring your Manitoba health card.