It's spring and that means lacrosse season is right around the corner at PCI. Coach Al Patterson has been involved in growing the sport of lacrosse in Portage for some time now.

"This will be our sixth season, so it's reasonably new," says Patterson. "Graham Shindle and I started a bit of a summer thing a number of years ago. Now, we've started to see some of the kids actually coming and being able to play at the high school level, it's nice to see."

Patterson says this team has the benefit of more experience than the last few years.

"I think I'm just looking forward to playing again and watching the kids grow," notes Patterson. "I know last year we struggled a bit with certain situations. I think this year we're already starting off stronger than we have in a couple of years."

The team plays many of its' games on the road in Winnipeg as there are few rural teams to play against. Their season will kick off on April 20th when they host an all-day tournament here in Portage.