After almost three decades of service for JS Furniture And More here in Portage, Gord Utz has called it a career.

Utz talks about his experience working for the local retailer and living in Portage for all these years.

"I opened up the store 29 years ago for JS Furniture, and I've had the pleasure of living in Portage all these years and raising my family. In fact, that's how the store started. I wanted to raise my family in a smaller town rather than Winnipeg, so that's how the idea of the store came about, and that's how I moved out here."

Tim Barnes, a former coworker and companion of Utz, shared a heartfelt message for Gord.

"I just like to thank him for all the years of serving Portage and the surrounding areas, not only as a former coworker, but as a friend. He's been a big part of the community over the last 29 years."

Barnes mentions that Gord could always lift people's spirits if they needed some motivation, noting he was always a friendly and easy person to talk to.

Gord wasn't just a fantastic coworker, but a great employee who made connections that will last a lifetime, as he explains.

"I've had some customers that I had literally dealt with for 29 years, got to know them well, got to know their children and actually wound up getting to know their grandchildren. "Utz carries on to mention a specific connection he made, "There's one family in Sandy Bay, excellent customers, and we just became friends with the whole family right down to the grandchildren."

Gord notes he still has an excellent relationship with the family from Sandy Bay, and that is just one of many friendships that he has made over the years.

Utz had many people he was thankful for his time with JS.

"My bosses, John and Lita Salgueiro, were instrumental in part of the success of JS Furniture and we've had very good relations over the years. I'm so thankful for Tim (Barnes) as he spent over ten years with the company and was just an excellent helper, not just a coworker, but actually a friend. Then also, just in the community of Portage, I've made so many friends and acquaintances through the store, that even now, I go downtown and it's so good to greet people that I actually know who I actually met through the store. So, i'm very thankful for the community of Portage la Prairie and surrounding area."

Gord opens up about what he will be doing with his newfound free time.

"I love outdoor activities, quadding, fishing, boating and spending time with my grandchildren, which probably is one of the number one reasons I retired early, is I'd be able to spend more time with family especially, my grandkids."

Taking a final look back, Gord thanks the people of Portage for their loyalty and friendship.

"I really have good memories." Gord continues, "it was great to be able to raise my children in a smaller community, the work was good in enabling me to be able to attend my children's activities through high school, and that sort of thing. So, I think with the job and the community life and the family life, I'm a very blessed man."