La Verendrye School in Portage la Prairie has plenty of activity focusing on "I Love to Read Month". It takes place every February, and Grade 5 teacher Miss Allison Duchnycz says many of their fun includes a virtual spin.

"It's just to go along with all of our COVID protocols and just also to reach all the students, no matter where they are at home or at school in the classroom," says Duchnycz. "We started our week off with a Spirit Week, and it's all based on Doctor Seuss and his books and themes. Every day, we also have a mystery reader who reads Doctor Seuss and some other favourites over our announcements for students to do little guessing games and Bingo games, as well. Throughout the month, we have some guest readers joining us via Zoom--some big names within our division like Mr Todd Cuddington and Miss Pam Garnham along with some resource teachers and teachers from other schools."

One of the students deep into a book (submitted photo)She notes they also celebrated Read Aloud Day Wednesday, which celebrates reading around the world.

"On February 17th, we have an I love to Read Canadian Day as well, where we will wear red and white and any other Canadian-themed clothing and fun accessories. We read books by Canadian authors and illustrators that day," adds Duchnycz

Duchnycz says they also engage in some games with students including guessing games for teachers.

"And we're sharing some of our favourite books," continues Duchnycz. "We'll do 'Drop Everything and Read' at certain points throughout the month, where students will hear a cue from their teacher, and at that time, we just encourage them to drop everything they're doing and read. We just want to encourage reading everywhere and anywhere, and promote reading and learning through reading, and the love of reading."