This weekend is the deadline for Operation Christmas Child's shoebox campaign to send a box full of gifts to children in third-world countries, who might not otherwise receive anything for Christmas.

Operation Christmas Child community relations Karla Hemingway brings us up to date.

"So far we have 843 shoeboxes at the mall," says Hemingway. "And people still picking up boxes from Co-op, Sobeys, Dollarama, the library, and Portage Evangelical church. Or you can stop by the mall to pick up your empty box, fill it up and bring it back into the mall Friday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. And Saturday from 10:00 to 3:00 p.m."

She explains the response has been great.

"We've seen family, church groups, Hutterite Colonies -- lots of different groups and organizations bringing in boxes for the first time, and some have been doing it for 20 years," continues Hemingway.

Hemingway says they're looking for 1,600 boxes.

"Our deadline is Saturday at 3:00 p.m.," adds Hemingway. "Remember, if you don't want to pack a shoebox yourself, you can still go online and pack a virtual box or just send a donation and it will help ship boxes."

She notes the online effort has seen more participation in the last couple of years, especially due to COVID.

Some of the shoeboxes donated to the effort