On March 15th, students around the world staged climate strikes, and a couple of students in Portage la Prairie took part. They stood in front of City Hall between 1:00 and 2:00 p.m. holding placards. One of them was Tiana Dupont, who explains what was on her placard, and what it means.

"'What I stand for is what I stand on.' I like this Earth, and I want to live on it as long as I can," says Dupont. "I don't want anything to change it or make it worse. I want my children and grandchildren to grow up on a healthy Earth."

Clayton McKay held a sign reading "0% Emissions". He adds he'd like to see no emissions whatsoever of any fossil fuels, noting we need to get rid of all emissions, let alone reduce it by a carbon tax. He says we should only be breathing oxygen.