An American set out to challenge youth aged 7 to 17 to do a 50-Yard Challenge that has gone viral throughout the States with its own website, with appearances of the gentleman on several television news outlets. A Portage la Prairie youth took him up on it, and completed his 50 yards this week on Monday, December 27th.

Noah McLellan just turned 11-years-old and finished his 50th yard. His mother, Heather, explains how it works.

Rodney Smith Jr."There's this program out of the States called the 50-Yard Challenge," says McLellan. "A guy named Rodney Smith challenges kids to cut 50 lawns for free for elderly, disabled single parents, veterans and anyone needing help in our town. If we accepted the challenge, he just had to do a sign and then we started in the summer where he started doing lawns for people."

She explains the challenger sent Noah a white shirt, and for every ten lawns afterwards, he would send a different coloured shirt.

The website is

"Once August hit, he (Noah) had a bit of a setback, so he took a bit of a break after hurting his shoulder," continues McLellan. "Then we ended up waiting until the snow came and we finished up his 50 -Yard Challenge this week. Now, this gentleman is going to come here and he is going to give my son a lawnmower, a blower and a weed whacker for completing this challenge."

McLellan says it's a challenge for boys and girls from age 7 to 17. She notes Rodney lives in Huntsville, Alabama.

"He does it all over and then, apparently, after these kids complete the challenge, he'll come up and do one more yard with them," says McLellan. "It's just a way to instil and bring good work ethic and pride. It's a good learning opportunity for the kids."

She says Noah made it, and at the start, he agreed it was a great idea, but then hit a complaining period, noting 50 yards is a lot of yards to do.

"We did have some complaining throughout the whole year," adds McLellan. "But the last house, he was actually quite happy and very pleased with himself that he's actually done it. It's been a struggle to get him to talk about it and be very proud of himself, but we're super proud of him."

McLellan adds it's all about yard work, mowing lawns and then clearing snow in the winter. She says Noah is somewhat of a quiet youth, and this also helped him get out there among others, talk to people and teach him the value of serving others in volunteer work.

"It turned into a family affair. He got stronger and gained confidence," says McLellan. "Noah has always enjoyed helping others. He has been a part of the potato giveaway for several years, learning to volunteer at church, and he also helped pack food hampers this year. He is still embarrassed by the attention. We are extremely proud of him though for doing 50 homes! He did receive a few tips, too, which has also taught him the opportunity to make money when he gets his new mower."