Finance Minister Cameron Friesen has announced that the provincial government will present its 2022 provincial budget on April 12th.

Over 51,000 Manitobans had their voices heard in the consultation process, which is an increase compared to last year. Ways they engaged include virtual meetings for stakeholders and the public, an online survey, telephone town halls, and an invitation for email and written submissions.

"Budget 2022 is about strengthening our health-care system, focusing on affordability, finding ways to invest in our communities, and protecting Manitoba’s environment," says Friesen. "We must continue to rebuild our economy and work toward resolving something that everyone is concerned about – making life more affordable."

According to responses from the online survey, the number one priority was healthcare. Nearly half of all responses also mentioned improving education and increasing support related to mental health and addictions is a high priority. One-third of responses detailed investing in infrastructure and preparing for the effects of climate change as high priorities.

"Our budget engagement process was primarily virtual this year due to public health restrictions, so we offered Manitobans several channels through which to provide their input," notes Friesen. "We appreciate the ideas they shared through provincial budget consultations and the insights they shared about the issues that are most important to them as we emerge from the pandemic together."

For the full press release from the government of Manitoba, click here.