Southport Aerospace got in on the Jingle Bell breakfast campaign for the Salvation Army and contributed a little more than usual this year.

CEO Peggy May explains.

"Jingle Bell Breakfast is always Southport's way of kicking off the holiday season and our sense of giving and our community spirit," says May. "So, every year, we have traditionally donated $1000 to the Jingle Bell Breakfast. But this year we went through our budget and realized all the great stuff that Salvation Army does in our community and the need we've all experienced this last couple of years. So, we've upped our donation to $5,000 and we're sure that the Salvation Army will put it to the best use."

Salvation Army Major Brenda Hammond says the donation is absolutely amazing.

"$5,000 takes care of a lot of people who would not have a Christmas, otherwise," notes Hammond. "That is an amazing donation from Southport. Thank you."

She notes there are those in need who've never thought that they would need assistance for a food hamper or from food bank.

"These are people whose E.I. ended, and they charged up their credit cards thinking it was a temporary problem, and now they're realizing that it's going to be a while before they actually don't need support from the Salvation Army," continues Hammond. "So, some folk who attend food bank regularly or get a Christmas hamper regularly are right alongside of a mom who is not working, or is working part-time, and has never been there before. The look and the struggles that you can see, are things from people who never ever think they're going to need. But when they need it, they're very, very fortunate that we've been able to stay open and assist people throughout the whole pandemic and provide food security at a very difficult time."

May adds their staff set up donations boxes at the RecPlex and their office.

"They've been collecting food and groceries all week," says May. "I think that I saw some Barbies in there and things like that. So, it's a lot of fun for our staff to get involved and their sense of giving is strong."

Hammond notes she thanks Southport for their long-term support and a great partnership.

May says Southport thanks the Salvation Army for all the great work they do in their community.