Stonewall is looking to bring attention to climate change issues with "Save Pond Hockey".

The town will be the first place in Canada to host the event, and Randy Frykas, chair of the committee putting on the event, is excited to receive that honour. He goes into detail on where the idea originally came from.

"Save Pond Hockey is actually an organization that that started in Finland with the motivation to engage climate action discussions," says Frykas. "Any proceeds they raise goes towards projects to help climate action, education and anything related."

He adds that Finland wanted this concept to branch out to Canada for awhile now, as it's a great place for outdoor hockey events. He mentions an organization called Globe Series, which sent out the information hoping to learn which municipalities and communities would be interested in an event like this.

"The event happening in Stonewall at Kinsmen Lake has been partially due to motivation from the town and some folks there that want to turn the lake into a space that can be used year round," says Frykas. "Right now it's mainly just used for swimming and usually runs from June to September."

He adds there are so many spots to play hockey, from the mountains to the east coast, so for Stonewall to be recognized and selected really motivated everyone to put their best foot forward.

The event will also feature an all-star shinny game featuring Hayley Wickenheiser. Frykas says while she's the only one announced so far for the game, there are plenty more big names to come.

"She's number one right now, but as you know, things progress and more announcements are made," explains Frykas. "There's going to be a whole roster of players, whether they're local, NHL alumni or Olympic hockey players."

The event will take place at Kinsmen Lake in Quarry Park February 18 to 20, 2022 and will feature additional music and activities, such as a beer garden and some skill competitions.

To learn more about Save Pond Hockey, click here.