Portage la Prairie City Council recently announced the new soon-to-be constructed daycare would be awarded to Wee World Daycare, and the staff are overjoyed.

Executive Director Sydney Dubetz-Zacharias says there are some great centres in the city and they are so grateful to have been chosen.

"We couldn't believe it. We are so excited," says Dubetz-Zacharias. "There is such a need for childcare in our town and we are so excited to be the centre that's able to help provide it and facilitate this amazing opportunity."

Dubetz-Zacharias says they have two sites currently and they have a long waiting list. Currently, one site can hold 64 children, while their second can hold 74. This new daycare, which will be rent-free for fifteen years, will add another 74. Dubetz-Zacharias says this will help the community a great deal and they are ready.

"We just really focus on our program being fully based around the children's needs," says Dubetz-Zacharias. "We embrace updating our system, staying current, always providing professional development for our staff and just truly trying to be a place people want to work and have their children."

There is no set date for construction as of yet, but a permit was recently issued for the project from the Portage Planning District for $358,000.