Good food will get you throught this, believe me!   I asked you guys what your favourite quarantine meals and snacks are... and well, the results were mouth-watering. 

Here're you're submissions:

Myrna Beaulieu The quarantine bridge.....

Sandy Lehockey Succulent Ribs 😋

Dani Doty


Sonia Prince My son's cooking. <3 Nom nom nom.


Stephanie Audrey I made lasagna and i had homemade buns left over from a friend. Its not very esthetically to look at but it takes good!


Deanna Allard Ducharme Mac tomatoes and cheese. Popcorn with dill pickle salt on them.

Violette Gladue Russian chicken

CFRY Radio ... I ate 4 eggo waffles before bed last night, not going to lie ... -Rene