The impact of COVID-19 on the world is affecting various nations in different ways. Canada has seen an astounding increase of school-aged children being transferred to home-schooling for fear of contracting the virus in the public school system.

A local Southport Home-school curriculum provider is breaking sales records as a result.

Alfred MacLaren is manager of Accelerated Christian Education, Canada, who supplies their curriculum for all of Canada, and outlines the impact they've experienced.

"This has been an absolutely amazing year with sales, " notes MacLaren. "For homeschooling, from the 1st of July to current, it has been the busiest year in the history of our company. We've seen dramatic increase in sales. In fact, in the month of September, we did half a year's worth of sales in one month."

MacLaren explains it's all definitely due to the pandemic. He says staff is constantly on the phone with families who are hesitating to put their children in public system. MacLaren adds they're looking for curricula and theirs is one of the mainstream, private curricula that are out there.

"This summer, we had to actually bring in temp workers to assist with the increase sales working in the warehouse," continues MacLaren. "We had to order additional shipments of curriculum from our main warehouse. It was an extremely busy time. The phones were nonstop. And at any given point in time, we had upwards of 300 E-Mail orders in our inboxes. We usually have 20."