The Holiday season is upon us and many of us will have some extra time to spend at home.  Here are 10 fun ideas for you and your family to do during this Holiday season:

1) Build a couch/cushion fort - As a kid I used to love doing this!  Bust out some blankets, couch cushions, pillows and maybe even cardboard boxes if you have them!  Make a little village with your kids in the living room or one big massive fort!  You can also color and decorate the boxes if you have some!

2) Make cardboard cars and do a drive-in movie inside your house!  Grab cardboard boxes, solo cups (for lights), paper plates (for tires), popsicle sticks (for the grill) and markers to create your own car design!  Get your kids to pull their cars up and have a drive in movie!

3) Have a Family Fashion show or Dance off!  Make a runway in your living room and model each other's clothes, old halloween costumes or your own clothes!

4) Choreograph a family dance or line dance by letting everyone make up 8 counts...then put it all together!  Or create a song together with everyone pitching in by doing lyrics for one verse!

5) Make a Scavenger hunt with clues to lead your kids to treats hidden around the house!

6) Have a Home Spa Day!  

7) Have a karaoke night!  You tube has a lot of free karaoke tunes that your family can sing along to!  

8) Read a book together - take out your favourite books and read a chapter to one other

9) Play a classic family game like monopoly, jenga, charades, hide and seek or cards

10) Write down 5 amazing things about each family member and then read them out loud 

I wish you all Happy Holidays! If you try any of these ideas, send me a picture or video!  I'd love to feature them in another blog during the holiday season!

- Lindsay