Voyageur Day is taking place Friday at La Verendrye School in Portage la Prairie to celebrate Manitoban cultures. Grade 7 Teacher Kyra Ludman explains this includes French, Ojibwe, and Cree activities.

"Wednesday is Dresses of Voyageur Day," says Ludman. "Lots of teachers and students wore their ceinture fléchée (sashes) and some fake beards here and there. We will be having fiddlers, music, food, lots of games, and lots of activities. I think the kids will really like it."

Ludman says all school staff and students are excited and some of the children saying hello and goodbye in their native languages.

Festival du Voyageur runs over several days this month. 

"A lot of these kids don't always get an opportunity to practice their own languages and their own cultures," adds Ludman. "To give them that opportunity to play Indigenous games and games from different groups is really nice."

Kindergarten student Seth Segador wore a novel costume in the form of a canoe that hung from his shoulders by straps with an oar that he carried with him.

Fellow Kindergartner Ben Kirby wore a racoon hat, and explained the way that people reacted to it was by simply saying, "Wow."

Kindergarten students Seth Segador and Ben KirbyKindergarten students Seth Segador and Ben Kirby and Teacher Jennifer Roy