Graphic Design by Amber Blume


Can't think of anything for Mother's Day? Don't worry, we got ya covered! 


1. Chocolate: Never question chocolate. Unless said mother is allergic or detests chocolate.

2. Flowers: A beautiful bouquet of roses or her favorite flower in a beautiful pot is something every mother appreciates -insert cheesy gardening pun here-

3. DIY Gifts: Whether you're a three year old kiddo exercising his artistique technique, or a forty year old that loves to pinterest, DIY gifts of every age and shape are much appreciated by mothers. She'll at least appreciate your effort.

4. A spa kit: usually includes some sort of body scrub, scented candle, lotion, chapstick, loofa, bubble bath, a robe, and the like.

5. Exotic teas or coffee flavors. Caffeine + flavor = happy mother.

6. Take her out shopping. Because whenever she used to take you shopping, it was always only for you. Pay for her purchases. Buy her a new purse. Can't afford to splurge? Buy her a gift card to a store she always wants to visit but never finds the time to.

7. Coupon book: Not for the grocery store, but rather for things you can do for her. Pinterest has great ideas for these. Examples include doing the dishes, making supper, one free night of nothing, laundry, and cleaning.

8. Sign her up for that class she always wanted to take. Art, yoga, boot camp, craft class. Bonus tip: go with her!

9. Gardening supplies: Every mother needs to be stocked with all the tools and flora she desires. BONUS: buy her a garden and do the work for her if she doesn't have a green thumb but loves the view!

10. Help with Hobbies: You know that hobby she's been wanting to get into and just doesn't have the time or resources to do it? Buy her the set up, schedule some time for her, and get her started!

11. A new book/movie she's been wanting: That's always a great way to go.

12. 52 reasons that I love you: Buy a deck of cards and a pack of index cards. cut out index cards to fit on top of the cards. Write out 52 different reasons for loving her. (Don't reference her weight or anything of the sort) Glue or tape to the cards. Badda bing badda boom!

13. Jewelry: Marilyn Monroe put it best with "diamonds are a girl's best friend". However, other gems or pendants are great friends too. You could also pick up a cute jewelry hanger or jewelry box too.

14. Inspirational Decor: Nothing says "I love you" as good as a sign on the wall that says so.

15. Kitchenware. Could be a mixer, could be a fancy coffee maker. You'd be surprised how much mothers appreciate new kitchenware!