The Province announced a Wage Subsidy Program for employers earlier this week.

Portage la Prairie & District Chamber of Commerce's executive director Cindy McDonald explains.

"It's an opportunity for businesses to apply and get reimbursed," says McDonald. "There are just so many programs out there for businesses right now that we are just trying to help navigate 'how' and 'when' you can apply for these subsidies."

She notes the program is available for 12 weeks starting March 15 and runs until June 6. McDonald adds it will provide a subsidy of 75 per cent of eligible remuneration paid by an eligible employer to a maximum of $847 per week.

"There's a calculator online," continues McDonald. "If you go online, you can use a calculator to figure out the amounts that you can apply for and what you qualify for. We have a really good frequently asked questions section and how to apply section to help businesses navigate through the whole program."

She encourages businesses to check out the program and then seek any clarification by contacting the Chamber.

McDonald says businesses can keep their employees working instead of laying them off and then re-hiring them again later when the economy opens up again. She notes it just makes things easier.

You can check out the website from the Manitoba Chambers to find plenty of detailed information on all you need to know.

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At that website, go to the COVID-19 Tools, where you will find many resources for businesses and employers. Any time you need help contact the chamber at (204) 857-7778.

Federal Website: