The Rural Municipality of Victoria is now accepting recyclables at its landfill. Reeve for the RM, Harold Purkess says there's a new system residents must use when they drop off items.

"As they come to the landfill site, they can bring their reyclables and there's a trailer there to put them in. We'll no longer be accepting co-mingled loads of waste. It has to be sorted and put in the appropriate spots," says Purkess.

When you get to the site, Purkess says it'll looks a bit different now.

"There's different areas to put the burnables, like the wood and the branches and cardboard that can't be recycled, there's a new spot for that. There's a recycling trailer there right now, and we're in process of taking the e-waste and put them inside of this different type of container," Purkess explains.

Purkess says Portage and District Recycling provided them with the trailer to hold the recyclable items.

He also notes the landfill has to find a new area for its household waste, as they're running out of space. He said they'll also eventually need a skid steer to move around all the different product at the site.